Nail art is a way to express yourself and have fun. Spring nails are colorful, pretty, and come in various shapes and forms. You can keep it simple with a combination of pastel hues or get creative abstract designs, unusual prints, and bold and clashing color combinations. Whether you want short nails or long, simple or detailed, these are the best spring nails to inspire you.

BORN PRETTY provides the latest trend inspiration for spring nail enhancement,let's do a super simple spring manicure together.

Styles1:  Macaron Marble+Rainbow Cat Eye Effect =Sweet Cool Girl

Products used: #bornpretty
Jelly Nude Gel-JN04(54133)
#TrendySummer-BP73 BP33 BP109(product id 54247)

Omnipotent Cat magnetic gel (53779)

Magnet (49817)

Check the detail video on IG

Omnipotent Cat magnetic gel polish

Style2: Elegant Marble Nail Art

Products used: #bornpretty
#TrendySummer-BP110 BP111 BP138 BP05 (product id 54247)
✨Metallic Painting Gel-MD02(49151)

Super Top Coat(52076)

Liner Brush(44914)

Check the detail video on IG

Metallic Painting Gel Polish


Style3: Glow-in-dark Eggshell Gel

Glow-in-dark eggshell gel top coat on different color based

Products used: #bornpretty

Glow-In-Dark Eggshell Gel (53873)

eggshell gel top coa

Any specific usage of gel nail polish can be viewed on the product details page. Follow our sns account to learn more creative nail art


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