Nail polish can easily dry out if left unused for a long time or if stored improperly. So, what should you do when this happens? If you don’t mind spending money, you can simply buy a new bottle. However, for most people, throwing away their favorite nail polish is not an option. Fortunately, there are ways to restore dried nail polish and extend its life. Additionally, proper storage is key to preventing your nail polish from drying out in the first place.

Properly Store Nail Polish

1. How to Restore Dried Nail Polish

1.1 Add Clear Nail Polish If you’re attached to a particular bottle of nail polish and don’t want to discard it, you can add some clear nail polish into the bottle. Shake it well, and the polish should be as good as new.

1.2 Use Water for Water-Based Nail Polish For natural, water-based nail polishes, the process is even simpler. When applying the polish, the bottle is often left open, allowing water to evaporate, especially in the summer. If you notice that your nail polish has thickened after using it a few times, just add a drop of water, shake it well, and it should return to its original consistency. If it thickens again later, add another drop of water. This simple method will keep your nail polish usable until it’s all gone.

1.3 Add a Few Drops of Perfume You can also add a few drops of perfume to the slightly dried nail polish. Be cautious not to add too much, and avoid using this method for metallic or shimmering nail polishes, as it may dull the finish. Any decent perfume will work, just ensure it's not a poor-quality one.

1.4 Add Organic Solvents Another option is to add organic solvents to thin the nail polish. However, be aware that nail polish contains flammable chemicals, and these solvents are typically only available at chemical supply stores and often come in large quantities, making them difficult to purchase.

2. How to Properly Store Nail Polish

Restore Dried Nail Polish

2.1 Minimize Air Exposure Nail polish is highly sensitive to air exposure, which can cause the solvent to evaporate, leading to thickening or even spoilage of the polish. This can make the nail polish unusable. Always make sure to tightly seal the bottle after each use. When applying the polish, work quickly and steadily, and avoid using visibly thickened polish.

2.2 Keep the Bottle Neck Clean It’s common to wipe the brush on the bottle neck to remove excess polish, especially when first opening the bottle. Over time, polish can accumulate on the bottle neck, creating space between the cap and the bottle that allows air to enter. The polish on the neck is also the first to thicken and can fall into the bottle, affecting the rest of the polish. To prevent this, clean the bottle neck after each use. If dried polish sticks to the neck, use a small amount of nail polish remover to clean it, being careful not to let the remover enter the bottle.

2.3 Avoid Sunlight Nail polishes, especially UV-curable ones, can be severely affected by sunlight exposure, even if sealed in a bottle. Prolonged exposure can cause the polish to cure and become unusable. Some people may think storing nail polish in the refrigerator is a good idea, but this is not recommended either. Low temperatures can alter the solvent, leading to thickening and spoilage. Moreover, the chemicals in nail polish can contaminate food stored in the same refrigerator. The best way to store nail polish is in a cool, dry, and dark place.

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your nail polish and ensure it stays in good condition for longer. Proper care and storage are key to maintaining the quality and usability of your nail polish collection.



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