I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m a nail art fanatic. My passion for nail art often surpasses my enthusiasm for buying clothes. From the time I was in elementary school, clutching bottles of pink nail polish and offering “nail services” to my classmates, to painting with watercolors and oils in high school—despite having paint-stained hands—I’ve always made time for my nails. Even during the final months of intense exam preparation in my senior year of high school, with barely any time to sleep, I’d still find a moment to change my manicure to ease the stress. Looking back on these ‘glorious’ moments, it’s clear that my love for nail art has never wavered.

My journey with nail art could almost be described as a personal aesthetic evolution. I don’t stick to just one style for long; instead, nail art for me is an open-ended answer with endless possibilities. There’s no need to chase trends or stick with popular designs.

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"Every Preference Reflects a Phase of Aesthetic Expression"

Recently, I’ve been obsessed with geometric patterns and linear designs for my nails. I might drive my nail technician crazy with my Virgo-like precision each time I visit the salon. The clear-cut geometric shapes and fluid lines, though seemingly simple, add a sophisticated, structured vibe to my overall look, which is why I love them. The Mondrian-inspired lines bring a sense of calm, while the blocks of color add a sense of structure, turning each nail into a complete canvas. A swipe here, a stroke there, and suddenly, within the cool, collected geometry, any possibility can be realized.

This type of nail art, although it appears simple, enhances outfits, creating a unique and refined elegance. Whether heavy or light, it awakens your sense of color and aesthetic appreciation.

As someone working in fields related to art and aesthetics, I constantly seek out new experiences and innovations, finding inspiration in everyday life—whether it’s a classic painting from the Renaissance, the beach outside my door, or a fleeting shadow. These elements can all spark creativity.

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The Artistry of Nail Design

Nail art isn’t just about perfectly executed patterns or a strict adherence to technique. It’s like painting, where you play with brightness, purity, and the proportions of colors. The casual, seemingly effortless strokes often add a unique dynamism to the design.

A nail technician with a strong sense of aesthetics and creativity doesn’t just focus on precise control of shapes; instead, they can bring a design to life, making it more fluid and expressive. By adding subtle details and using artistic principles like light and shadow, combined with specialized nail art polish gel, the designs become truly distinctive.

Many nail art designs might appear simple at first glance, but on closer inspection, they reveal intricate layers of detail, much like a piece of art that becomes more captivating the longer you look at it.


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